Caffeine addiction, some games

I've denied it long enough -- I am addicted to coffee. Or rather, I experience the effects of being addicted to coffee. That is, if you bother me before I've had a cup of joe I will be likely to get upset for no good reason at all. However, once I've had a few sips I'll be a right Christian again and the day's troubles will pass over me like so much wind.

Since it turns out that BioShock requires Windows XP (which I do not have), I downloaded (via Steam) Psychonauts and am really enjoying it. Actually, I was inspired to do so by the entertaining review by Zero Punctuation. The fact that Tim Schafer of Day of the Tentacle (one of my all time favourite games) had a hand in it helped. Eh, I don't really feel like reviewing it myself -- the video review says it all, really.

A chore-filled weekend, if you were curious.


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