Hexen dream
i went to sleep at 5:10 pm yesterday (monday). I was completely exhausted.. having cycled hard the previous two days and not getting more than two hours of sleep sunday night (on the phone with kris and chatting with reg).
first dream:
it's sort of like university.. actually, yeah, it's university, only with more trees and stuff around. details are very sketchy. I remember my sister being there, somehow.
second dream:
in a house or apartment. seems "normal" but when I go downstairs, there's this party/battle going on. It's like a game of Hexen or something; people are trying to collect the three pieces of this super weapon. But, whenever they complete the weapon, these ogre-like statues would fly out of the walls, in lines, and attack the person; they'd only last a few seconds against the barrage.
I collected two of the three pieces, but didn't get the third. It made some sort of sword, and when I swung it, rays of sparks would fly from it. I even tried putting my hand out to see if the rays would hurt me; they didn't.
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