career thoughts, cycling in the dumps
Work has become increasingly busy of late. 'Tis the season, perhaps. In any case, I find myself wanting to spend more and more time doing work, actual work work. I was pondering the idea (though not really entertaining it) of what I would do if I were to find myself suddenly jobless. And I'm pretty sure I'd either go for a teaching degree or something much more humanitarian, you know, like volunteer teach or working abroad or the like. It'd be unlikely that I would be able to find another job in the computer industry that I liked as much as the one I have now, with the same type of freedom, atmosphere, and so on. I cycled for much of yesterday, it being an unseasonably lovely and mild day, the wind holding a small reminder of the weather to come. I caught a bit of the toronto zombie walk along Queen, of which I took a few pictures but my cellphone's digital photo quality is quite the suck. That's partially why I haven't bothered posting any of those pictures...