bicycle thieves, Radiohead album

Continuing on the bicycle talk from yesterday, my co-worker got his front tire stolen from in front of our office this week. That's the second time someone has lost a tire -- last time was during the summer. We're on a very busy street (King Street West, just west of Spadina), and it happened right in the middle of the day. I know this because when I went to pick up my lunch it was gone when I returned.

This is starting to really piss me off. Theft is annoying enough, but the sheer audacity of these drive-by bicycle thieves is just... oh man I'm just overcome with an ardent fervour to do SOMETHING. I've actually given thought to picking up a cheap used bike and plant a GPS or other homing device on the thing, a honeypot if you will. But I would need a posse to kick their t'iefing asses. I'm almost serious. Serious enough that I wished that I had witnessed the theft, so that I could at least see who it was and what vehicle they used.

OOH! Toronto installs post and rings FREE on City-owned property, if you request it: Toronto Post and Ring request form. More goodies on Tips on combating bicycle theft (mostly common sense) and Toronto Bicycle User Group, which is kind of a funny name. When of think of "User Group", I always imagine a bunch of chubby, nerdier-than-thou types who tout themselves on being part of a user group.

Which has nothing to do with Radiohead's new album, which you can download for free. Eh, it's ok. Like most of Radiohead's stuff, I need to give it more time before I can decide if it's excellent or not. Right now, after a couple listen-to's, it's so-so. Which could be saying a lot, considering how much I loved some of their other stuff.

Plans for the weekend? Nope. Perhaps I'll clean up my apartment, which someone has CARELESSLY allowed to become a bit of a disaster area. I will not mention their name, but he knows who he is...


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