Bad Spring Rolls in East Chinatown

I went to see a friend's new apartment, and we tried out the Spring Rolls nearby, the one in the little Chinatown by Gerrald and Broadview. I should've walked out when I saw that the menu not only had the usual Thai fare, but also Chinese dishes AND Vietnamese ones. I ordered pad thai, thinking that it would be the safe one to have. What a disaster! It was a mound of overcooked noodles, the reddish-orange coloring belying the blandness of the sauce. And way WAY too much white onion. Oh man it was just gross! And the worst part is, well, I get these bumps on my mouth when I eat "questionable" food, shall we say, stuff that hasn't been cleaned or hasn't been fully cleaned. So I'm enjoying a couple nice bumps right now!

I guess it must be a very new one, since it's not listed on their website. Still... pretty yucky! Hmmmm.. upon further reflection, I guess I can't necessarily place the blame on Spring Rolls, as I did buy a can of San Pellegrino Limonata and did not use a straw.


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