bell or rogers

Yes that's right -- I hate BOTH Bell and Rogers. Rogers, well, there are so many, many reasons to hate those guys, fumbling over themselves to snatch every penny they can shake out of you. But most recently my disgust has flared up with their iPhone offerings, a package so pricey, so draconian I wonder that they should have the gall. Yet that is not the worst of it -- the worst is that people who are already with Rogers have to buy out their old plan first and lose their old number. Oh jaded snipers and bombers with agendas, wherefore do thee not do away with these media tyrants? Please send your head-cutting psychopaths to do something useful with thine Bowie knives!

Oh, and Bell? I just learned (although apparently it's been in place since January) that if you do not have an long distance plan, your LD calls are subject to an extra "LD network connection fee". WHAT THE HELL!!! Long distance calls are also charged by DISTANCE. Dudes, seriously, can we not do something to stop these crazied nickel-and-dime policies?

Thinking about it, I'm going to get rid of my Bell line. Screw 'em.


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