fixing my bicycle tire, again and again

So it turns out that having a hole in a bicycle tire tread causes the inner tube to explode when inflated. Two inner tubes later, I've replaced both the front and back treads and my bike feels very different. The new treads are tacky and stick amazingly to the road; almost too well as they kick up a lot of gravel, making a disheartening sound as the stones grind against the rain fenders. My attempt to clean the chain has resulted in a clunky ride -- the internals of the rear axle no longer spins freely. Not that I remember it doing so but it does dwell on my mind now.

I bought some MOO minicards and while I don't have much excuse to give them out I do find them fun to have. I'll need to remember next time however that they really do have very limited real estate for pictures as they managed to crop out the edges of the ones I'd uploaded. I also got that little keychain dispenser which is larger than I'd imagined but still quite neat.

Quiet weekend thus far. Had a Rowe Farms roast beef sandwich from Reggie's. Played several hours of go. Hoping to get some webwork done tomorrow, though I may have caught a cold as I rode today with my hair wet, the wind blustery and cool. Next Thursday is my first bicycle maintenance class and then the Love, Anna show. Nothing yet hooked for Good Friday weekend.


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