the move

Well, the move was a disaster -- I was ill-prepared for the moving day and severely underestimated the amount of work left to do. So much so that I pretty much moved on the Saturday, Sunday and a bit of the Monday. My lesson to take away? Never turn down help to move when it's offered because even if there are too many people you have yourself a gathering of friends at the very worst. I shudder at the nightmare that was the move, but am thankful for the Herculean efforts from a2chow and pops, whose patience in my dire time of need made the improbable possible. Kudos to qyv and his gf for making Sunday much more bearable.

So yes, I am now more or less comfortably in my new place. Am I happy and excited? It appears.. not. The place is great, don't get me wrong. I am however dogged by the constant weight of financial concerns. Turbulent times at work and a recent, shocking iPhone bill from Rogers have proven to be a dizzying knockout combo. A far from ideal start to this mortgage, although on the flip side I suppose this could be interpreted as evolutionary pressure for change!

Pictures, yeah, sorry, I don't have these yet. I keep forgetting, frankly. Perhaps tomorrow. Oh right, yes, as you may have guessed, I didn't have internet for a while there because I switched to dry DSL and had to wait for the Bell technician, who conveniently only gives 8-hour ranges of when he'll be in. And, if you miss his call like I did, you have to wait 4 business days to schedule another appointment. Anyway, in that time I used the "Network Tethering" functionality of my iPhone to get online while at home -- I sure hope that this doesn't translate into yet more jawdropping Rogers fees.


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