thinking of going green; found a wasp; Risto's wedding

Yo. I shall try to quickly summarize things, for those wondering what's up with the Hwan: This past weekend, I did the Thanksgiving thing Monday with family at my aunt's new house in North York. The kids (my sister, her boyfriend and me) got a demonstration from my uncle of some of the products that his business is offering, throwing in some entertaining (though tragic from a business sense) stories of the difficulties he's faced in getting sales off the ground. Saturday I hung out with Loopy, visiting a magic shop, playing with an RC helicopter and playing 10PinShuffle, one of the nicer iPad apps out there -- it's one of those games that works so well on the device. I may even drop the $4 and get it, it's that good!

I also joined Live Green Toronto, and hope to take part in, uh, something soon! It sounds like you mostly just stand around being helpful and give information to people about the programs available, pointing out ones relevant to them. I mean I guess it's something, and something to get me out of the house.

And speaking of the house, I found a wasp in my office! I was using the computer, as I am wont to do, when I heard a tiny buzzing coming from the desk lamp. To my dismay I saw that it was a large wasp (about the length of my thumb), somewhat dazed and unwilling (or unable) to fly. I covered it up with a transparent plastic dome (one of those bins that pre-mixed salad comes in), and, after observing it for a while in fascination, placed inside a spoon with some honey on it. The wasp did seem to take to it at first, but I could see that it was still fairly disturbed and despite my intermittent blowing into the dome and sheer force of will, it became more and more sluggish and dazed until it became rather inanimate after two days. Perhaps it died of dehydration? I am saddened by the idea that it died slowly, thirsting for water, unable to adequately swallow (digest?) the honey.

Last Sunday I attended Risto's wedding in Fergus, a small but beautiful wedding, with lots of handmade crafts and personal touches. The ceremony was performed outside, under a tree, with the reception held in a nearby converted barn -- picturesque, serene, unpretentious. It was good to see the old crew together, though the number of small children served well to remind me of the passage of time!


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