glad to be alive

They say writing about things that one is grateful for improves one's mood, so, I guess I'll give that a try. I am happy that I get along swell with both my parents and my sister, which is funny because growing up my mom was definitely the head-matron of the house, and we, her subjects, suffered greatly from time to time. My job, while it certainly has its annoyances, does allow me to live relatively well, and for that I'm thankful. Oh, I should definitely mention how awesome it is to be healthy and able to eat and drink as I see fit, yes that is a major major plus. God what a difference modern medicine has made in my life! I'm also thankful for still having a mind, even when it doesn't always remember things. I guess that's a different way of saying I'm just glad to be ALIVE.

I should mention that I added a simple CAPTCHA to the comment form, as was getting bombarded by some pretty annoying comment spam. I will elevate the difficulty of the CAPTCHA if this becomes a problem again, but for now the answer is 011235.

Television-wise, I've been taking in Deadwood (simply awesome), Twin Peaks (I don't remember any of this!) and Bob's Burgers (I gave it a chance and it failed to deliver). Movies: The Social Network (not Oscar-worthy but I did enjoy it), went dogsledding (so very fun), hardly any karate since the New Year. Man, I have to look at my calendar to remember what I've been up to! Oh yeah, also visited the Japanese Canadian Cultural Center to see a (new) friend do a taiko drum demonstration. Did some LGTV stuff, mostly handing out pamphlets and talking to people at the National Home Show. And finally I guess a fair chunk of my time has been taken up studying iPhone app development. I don't have much to show for that yet but I'm getting there.

Hmmm.. I've been waiting for the streetcars to get running on King West again but I don't think it's going to happen tonight. Stupid Porsche drivers, knocking down hydro poles is not for you!


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