Blasphemous humours

How have I been? Well and not well. Well enough. Yesterday some friends and I attended UFC 129, in Toronto. Entertaining! Quite a few knockouts, lots of action, with only the title card (GSP vs Jake Shields) being a bit of a confusing disappointment. GSP won, but not in a glorious or interesting fashion. And Jake Shields seemed a bit too shy for someone challenging for a title. Fifty-five thousand people smushed into the SkyDome/Rogers Centre, and our seats, being of the 500-level variety, allowed us to take them all in. Ah, the drunken UFC fan was out in full force that day! Before the event, we had a mediocre Korean BBQ experience at the Korean Grill House near Yonge and Gerrard.

Friday I went and saw Grinders with Loopy, a HotDocs documentary at The Isabel Bader Theatre. I knew that some people used poker as a source of income, but I'd no idea of the underground poker culture, or its place in Toronto! Geez I guess I hardly know this city at all. The film was preceded by a very short documentary, about the TTC and suicides -- apparently there's like 1 suicide a week on the transit system! Gah.

Thursday I finished putting my bicycle's rear wheel back together -- I had busted the inner tube riding over a severe pothole on King Street, and while replacing the tube I decided also to clean the chain and gears, a messy, tiresome, and at times frustrating procedure. But rewarding; nothing quite like riding on clean gears! Oh, I visited my friend Andrea on her Environment Days shift near my place before that; just a quick stop and chat. After getting my bicycle back into riding order, I took it out west to Lansdowne and Bloor to see a friend from karate play at Holy Oak, opening for Tropicalia. I enjoyed the music, but found that I didn't really want to stick around.

Tuesday.. Tuesday was karate class, Monday was.. I guess I worked out? I'm trying to get myself ready for this Saturday's testing, though I seem to miss nearly as many workouts as I actually get around to doing. I did one today, certainly -- around a hundred minutes, working on kicks and combos, mostly. Sunday was visiting my parents with my sister. Saturday I saw Source Code in the afternoon with a friend. Oh hey, Source Code was directed by Duncan Jones, the same guy who did Moon! Ha. Anyway, I liked Source Code a lot, but I did feel that some scenes were a bit overplayed, the music unnecessarily highlighting the moment. Actually, if I knew that Jones directed it I'd have expected more, but I'm not surprised he did -- this stuff is right up his alley. Huzzah for sci-fi!

Two Fridays ago (yeah, I guess I should update more often!), after helping Andrea and her boyfriend tune up their bicycles, I sat through April's The GOD-AWfUL [Comedy] Show, a CFI thing. It was actually pretty damn hilarious, and I'm going to try to pull people into attending May's show. If you like blasphemous humours, then this is your event.

And finally, earlier last week I booked my flight, hotel, and bought my ticket for this year's The Amazing Meeting, "TAM 9 from Outer Space"! Embraced the skepticism, this one has.


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