Introduction to MeeMees
I adopted a couple of kittens (referred to colloquially, and collectively, as "the meemees", for the sound they make) -- my sister found a homeless, pregnant cat some months ago and the babies needed a home, and, well, it was offered and I, after much contemplation and self-debate, accepted a boy
and girl into my kitten-unready home. I am so far likening the experience to adopting two aliens with little concept of language or bathroom manners, irregular hours and a fascination for anything new. Ah, they are not quite that bad but certainly keep me on the fence of whether or not to keep them. Certainly they have their moments of intense cuteness.
A couple weeks ago I was at a dinner with Girl and Dangerman! I hadn't seen those two since last year and little Magnus is quickly becoming a little boy. It was really nice to have the gang together like that, it quite brought the smile to my face -- hardly anyone has changed, I find, though when I see myself in the mirror I wonder who that person is. A good time but I wasn't pleased with the food -- in fact I'd say it was strictly average ("Chinese fusion").
Way back to Father's Day (geez, that was four weeks ago!?), and the Friday before I made a trip to Lee Valley to get my dad some work-gloves, a mud-scrubber and some hand cream, he being of the gardening/handyman type. Fast forward to a dinner yesterday with the family, as I've the next two Sundays away -- TAM 9 and Summerlicious. On Canada Day, I went to a brunch given by a couple of ladyfriend's friends, then a BBQ, then a walk to a pub and more drinking. Saturday was noodles, walking, staying in with kittens, then a bar at night. Sunday was farmer's market, brunch at Gladstone Hotel, then a bonfire and wine and fruit. A packed weekend to say the least.
Well... that's about it, really. Two kittens, who are doubtlessly being rascals right now. A new lady in my life, things going pretty well, pretty well. Watched some Game of Thrones, played some TF2. Becoming more and more frustrated with this Mayor Rob Ford character, liking the Bixi. Eating out a lot (but healthily so, I emphasize). Haven't done much volunteering of late, but still managing to find time for karate.
Busy with life, I guess. How am I feeling? A little better, I can tell ya more about it mano a mano, should you care to ask.
Oh crap I almost forgot to write about the WWSFF (Worldwide Short Film Festival)! It was a blast, I should create a new entry just to talk about that. Tomorrow, mayhaps, tomorrow.
A couple weeks ago I was at a dinner with Girl and Dangerman! I hadn't seen those two since last year and little Magnus is quickly becoming a little boy. It was really nice to have the gang together like that, it quite brought the smile to my face -- hardly anyone has changed, I find, though when I see myself in the mirror I wonder who that person is. A good time but I wasn't pleased with the food -- in fact I'd say it was strictly average ("Chinese fusion").
Way back to Father's Day (geez, that was four weeks ago!?), and the Friday before I made a trip to Lee Valley to get my dad some work-gloves, a mud-scrubber and some hand cream, he being of the gardening/handyman type. Fast forward to a dinner yesterday with the family, as I've the next two Sundays away -- TAM 9 and Summerlicious. On Canada Day, I went to a brunch given by a couple of ladyfriend's friends, then a BBQ, then a walk to a pub and more drinking. Saturday was noodles, walking, staying in with kittens, then a bar at night. Sunday was farmer's market, brunch at Gladstone Hotel, then a bonfire and wine and fruit. A packed weekend to say the least.
Well... that's about it, really. Two kittens, who are doubtlessly being rascals right now. A new lady in my life, things going pretty well, pretty well. Watched some Game of Thrones, played some TF2. Becoming more and more frustrated with this Mayor Rob Ford character, liking the Bixi. Eating out a lot (but healthily so, I emphasize). Haven't done much volunteering of late, but still managing to find time for karate.
Busy with life, I guess. How am I feeling? A little better, I can tell ya more about it mano a mano, should you care to ask.
Oh crap I almost forgot to write about the WWSFF (Worldwide Short Film Festival)! It was a blast, I should create a new entry just to talk about that. Tomorrow, mayhaps, tomorrow.
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