Back from TAM9, feeling low

Well yeah. I've been putting off what to do with and .. uh.. life just happens, y'know? TAM 9 was great, so much STUFF, most of it having since dribbled away, the walls my mind not being what they once were. Exciting but also, well, it made me miss going on vacation with a partner. Just a tiny bit; I was pretty busy most of the time. I was able to get a night of poker in, which netted about $260, just enough to pay off the hotel. Of course, I also bought lots of books and the like, and the trip overall, if you include airfare and the conference fee, put a sizable dent in my funds.

Speaking of expenditures, I still have my kittens, though they are rapidly morphing into cats. My range of opinions on the little rascals ranges from homicide, to resignation, to adoration. I make it sound a lot worse than it really is... or perhaps I've come to convince myself of this? No but seriously, I don't see the point of cats! I once, long, long ago, considered myself a "cat-person", but I've come to see the light -- they are messy selfish ignoramuses. And yet, should one condemn the fool for not knowing the havoc they wreak? Perhaps it is I that is the fool for stressing out over stained floors and ruined furniture.

For a short time I had a sinus infection! Or at least, I suspected it as such, given the flu-like symptoms and nosebleeds. Perhaps it was a flu, then became a sinus infection? Whatever it was, it was mildly horrible for a week or so, peaking with a day of misery on the 7th of August, which I suppose is many days ago now.

I've gone back to full-tilt video-gaming, that old nugget of mixed feelings. I mean, not that I've ever really stayed away from it or anything, but I have upped the time invested. Mostly Team Fortress 2, but plenty of casual games (Kingdom Rush, Villainous), as well as Angry Birds and now Dungeon Raid for the iPhone. Seems I am filling in all the holes in my life with sugary, delicious mind-candy.

Today.. today I woke up thinking that when I die, I am gone. I mean, I know this, but when you FEEL it, aw man, you just want to run around the city in dismay.

Lessee.. recently speaking, Friday I went to atheist comedy and it was great. Saturday I went to Buskerfest (guys stacking lawn chairs, juggling of various implements, stilt-walkers, contortionist "Bendy M", Axe capoiera), and then had a drinking night with a friend (Prohibition, Rasputin). A comfortable amount of drinking, nothing special. Sunday I had dinner with some other friends (Stephen, Simone, Fively) who I'd not seen in a while at Amnesia, with dessert at Future Bakery. Man, what a blast from the past that was. Future Bakery, I mean -- has not changed a bit. Afterwards I rode over to Trane Studio for a CD release thingy for a karate friend.

I am, however, otherwise low in spirits. Yes, those spirits. Again. Ah, to begin anew, no greater pleasure though bittersweet.


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