Discussing StarCraft 2 beta, on the way to Buffalo

Hola amigos!! Summer has finally come around the bend and I now find myself trying to find the optimal balance between cooling the condo and dealing with the noise of the heat pump. That is to say, if I choose too low a temperature the heat pump is on frequently and it's loud enough that it can wake me. Of course, if I use it less then I'm sweating uncomfortably. Such was the battle fought last night, a three hour battle I might add. The thought of sleeping downstairs occurs to me now.

I've been watching StarCraft 2 beta videos for the past while and although the game is a lot different from the original, there seems to be enough carried over that older SC1 skills still apply in the new game. I like that they've cleaned up much of the micro, allowing players (like carpel tunnel-sufferers like me) to concentrate more on strategy. It does seem that many newer players still have problems with their macro game, something I (and perhaps many others) consider the ability to multi-task under pressure. Incidentally this is what I enjoy most -- building stuff is fun! Also, I'm greedy so it definitely feeds the desire to vacuum up the region's resources.

Regarding the new units.. eh... I'm happy they kept the Ultralisk, that they gave it extra damage against buildings, and bestowed it with the Burrow ability -- pop-up RAGE! I don't like that they got rid of Vultures, probably my favorite Terran unit. Does Terran no longer have mines? Zergs kind of do now with Banelings, though they drain on gas and require micro so it's not nearly the same. Also, having to convert Overlords to Overseers is a big change since that was Zerg's thing -- they were much less prone to getting surprised by cloaked units. Now you have to create these gas-hungry, non-food-supplying units, giving Zerg a very different feel. Queens, ah, now there's a bonny unit with lots of abilities and doesn't cost gas -- a sweet deal for an early caster with ground and air attacks.

I find Protoss to appear to be very similar to its SC1 form. Sentries are interesting tier 1 casters with an attack, and give Protoss much more variety in its early game. Immortals seem to overlap the Colossi in terms of place in the army as a heavy-damage inflicting unit, but I suppose that remains to be seen.

Before that I was playing Team Fortress 2 on No Heroes, in anticipation of the new Engineer patch. However, with SC2 around the corner I've been pulled away from that for a while.

I am getting fatter. In order to combat this I have re-introduced sit-ups into my workout regime. Also, I've modified my workouts to include a bit more cardio i.e. to be more than just push-ups. I'd like to blame my weight on rich eating but in truth I've been fairly good with sticking to healthy foods, though perhaps not always in the ideal proportions. I have stopped having sugar in my coffee, unless it's instant, a surreptitious vice of mine -- I hate the stuff but some mornings I can't wait the 4 minutes for the grinds to steep.

Did I mention that I sometimes get a pain in my liver region? I've cut down on my drinking since I've started dating again and of late (not sure when exactly) I've noticed a slight discomfort on my right side. Yes, I have been meaning to speak to a doctor about it but I do, somewhat tentatively, conject on what it might be.

Well, I'll be in Buffalo, NY this weekend which looks to be cloudy with showers. No matter; some rest and time away from computers can only be a good thing. I shall be reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Ta!


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