Easter weekend

Was it Easter already? Goodness how times does fly. My reversal surgery is only ten days away! Man I have so much to prepare. Is life nothing but swimming through bureaucracy and addressing e-mails? That's the real tax on life, these micro tasks that whittle down my days.

Kites on the boardwarlk
Yeah, the surgery... I'll be in the hospital for 5-7 days as my pouch heals and they monitor my condition. I'll be pretty tired and will stay at home for a few days afterwards, I think. There is a small chance that the surgeon will decide to perform the second surgery (which is normally done some months later), in which case my recovery will be much more involved, and I'll stay at home training my new bowels for several weeks.

In any case, these are the last days of freedom. Thursday night I hung out with a couple friends at Betty's, drinking and talking about films. How the beer did flow, that familiar warmth enveloping me. The hockey game was on (Game 1 of Leafs versus Capitals) so the bar was a near constant din, my voice hoarse by the time I left.

Friday was a hunt for brunch, a difficult beast to catch on Good Friday. We settled on Dundas and Carlaw, a simple cafe/bar for some paninis. I spent the rest of the day at home, playing on the computer and keeping the cats company.

Saturday MJ and I did some chores and shopping, grabbing a bite at Square Boy and taking some of the afternoon to enjoy the mild temperatures on the boardwalk. That night we watched Stranger Than Fiction; I was so ready to like it but it fell short of being a really good movie. I feel having so many familiar faces detracted from the otherwise interesting central idea, an idea that was hardly given a chance to bloom.

Today was mostly chores: a morning run, vacuuming the rugs, changing and cleaning the bedding, replacing the kitty litter. We are attempting to train the cats to wear harnesses and leashes but it's a long, scratch-filled struggle. I also managed to squeeze in a bunch of Hearthstone games, with an unsuccessful run at Rank 10 using Dragon Priest.

How about that Trump? What a time to be alive!


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