
I absolutely hate how the world is shaping up, just a frog boiling slowly in greed, misinformation, and lack of critical thought. I don't think I've said it here but as a former member, the skeptic movement has been an abysmal failure, handcuffed by the notion that one can think and live purely on logic like some alien creature, free of "human" feeling. How absolutely frustrating it is to have the right answers but not willing to use one's voice. I frankly pity and loathe them.

I wrote the above back in February, when the "Freedom Convoy" was honking its way into everyone's ears, eating up media time and darling to anti-mandate-minded small business owners. And now it's March and Putin has decided to start a land war with Ukraine, threatening nukes and all, hundreds already dead, fascists looking to see how to fill in the power gaps. For once America's wolf was real, though it seems not of the mind to really do anything about it outside of sanctions. Yet. How it plays out remains to be seen but it's undeniable that many more civilians will suffer.

And while COVID continues to mutate and Omicron's numbers begin to drop, Doug Ford has decided to drop vaccine passports and loosen mask restrictions. It seems we're becoming more and more comfortable with the death of the vulnerable, the aged, the innocent. I think I remain sane but it's quite the horrorshow, doomed to rolling the dice with every strain.

Elden Ring! I heeded its call and have begun my descent, a transformation, and embrace, accepting madness to avoid madness. I admire its purity, its demand of perfection and attention.


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