We are COVID

It may have been an inevitability but the truth of experiencing it was no less upsetting — our family caught COVID back in April, a punishing trial affecting each of us differently. For me it ramped from a mild cough to a day of chills and aches, unable to function outside of the barest of essentials; a week later it had exited my system, a brief but fearsome storm.

During my downtime, confined to my bed, I managed to catch up on Game of Thrones, the ending for which I had never seen, and had managed to avoid spoiling. How it came to mind I don’t recall for I had all but forgotten it after Sora’s birth/the pandemic’s rise; certainly I found it engaging enough to finish, even after all this time. I still find its extreme physical and sexual violence difficult to sit through.

And speaking of difficult to sit through, how has Ontario decided to re-elect Doug Ford. How. True, the alternatives were not particularly palatable — Del Duca? And Horwath? What a woeful state of affairs! It seems we really have gotten used to murderous neglect of the old, the vulnerable, the unlucky. My blood would boil if I weren’t already so tired.

On the upside, MJ has gotten herself a tenure-track job, a light amidst our darkening skies. Unfortunately it’s located in Peterborough, of all places, so we will likely be moving outside of the city before year’s end. Where exactly is yet to be determined but just the thought of leaving fills me with a certain dread and sadness. I suppose it’s also an opportunity but I am fairly certain I will miss the city’s many familiar comforts and modern facilities. Just the FEEL of Toronto will be missed. SAD.


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