father still

Back in mid-May my dad was admitted into his local hospital's emergency ward with very low blood pressure, a low sodium level, and a build-up of fluid in his abdomen. We were all pretty concerned, especially my mom, who wanted someone with him around the clock. He was able to get it treated and was released in relatively good spirits a week later; I set myself up at their house to help out.

Dad wasted no time to restart his recovery regimen, pushing his way through via spurts of exercise and rest.  We had some home care help, which he very grudgingly accepted. And despite his protests I went ahead and installed some grip bars in the bathrooms and shower.

On May 29th, less than a week after his hospital release, we ended up calling for an ambulance. That day my dad had little appetite, complaining of nausea and a sticky, dry mouth, self-medicating himself on a chain of Pepto Bismo's, culminating in his throwing up a dark, oozing mass and in obvious distress. They discovered a bleed in his esophagus and, after some agonizing hand-wringing, the family opted to continue treatment, leading to several blood transfusions and other interventions, including having a day procedure at another hospital to stop the bleeding. Thankfully these seemed to work, though each day felt stretched out.

They released him last Friday but the past month has taken a lot out of him, transformed into a shadow of himself -- constantly tired, on an oxygen pump, resting in bed nearly all hours of the day, unable to concentrate for more than a few seconds at a time. He perks up when we talk to him or show him pictures, but his responses are a mere word or nod of the head, a spark hungry for fuel.

I'm back home with my family to recoup some energy before heading back.


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