procrastinating student life

woke up at 10am yesterday morning, but ended up missing class anyway. i think the cold weather is really getting to me; i hardly had the strength to come to the lab and surf and send out valentines.
actually, what i really wanted to do here was play some wizardry7, but windows95 won't give me enough memory. curse that 640k limit.

missing class means i'll have to pick up more notes from macpherson. i really have to catch up in that e&m class... i haven't a clue as to how to do those assignment problems, which reminds me to pick up a copy of the solutions from someone.

i didn't get into bed until around 5 am - stayed up watching the godfather, which i still haven't seen in its entirety. i've done this to myself before - felt guilty for not waking up, falling asleep, dreaming, waking and feeling guilty, etc etc. it's a vicious cycle, and often i'll pray for death.

some axe-wielding maniac coming into my room, hacking me apart, me giving no resistance, almost thanking him for doing the chore. or that my body decides to turn against me, eating me from the inside as my rapacious stomach satisfies itself.

finally got up around 6pm. ate three peanut butter and chocolate hazelnut spread sandwiches, cursed the status of our kitchen, used reggie's computer to check email; got something from karen and angela.

sara and reg got in around 7 pm, i was in my room reading reg's copy of a simpson's episode compendium. the three of us talked for a bit, but eventually i had to leave those two alone. washed up, thought about what i'd try to do today.

jermaine, matt and scott dropped in, to warm up before going out. we watched some tv, mostly simpson's and dante's peak. i didn't know that water turns to acid when a volcano blows, but it makes some sense - the sulfur steam mixed with the water. although maybe i'm talking hogwash; it's been a few years since i took chemistry.
made a simple stir-fry from (frozen) vegetables, sesame seeds, chinese sausage, ginger powder, soy sauce and oyster sauce. makes the house smell a bit, but it's pretty tasty.
after the guys left, i watched some television by myself. mostly surfing, ended up catching "c'est la vie", a french film about the summer vacation of two kid sisters and their parent's breakup. also caught the beginning of patlabor 2 before i could tear myself away.

got dressed, packed some essentials including portishead, chemical brothers and foofighters. lamented on the condition of my bike, wore my alarmingly stinky sneakers, and headed to school.
stopped by the slc first, expecting it to be quite empty and it was; everybody's gone home for reading week. checked the ride board, nothing promising. off to the physics lab. remembered they were doing some kind of renovations.. first and second floor have been closed off, large WARNING ASBESTOS signs barring the way. it's a pretty old building.

inside, only two other guys in the lab. probably porn seeking, from where they're sitting and the way the monitors are turned. i log on a machine in the other room, one with a cd player. i let that run (has to boot up win95) while i go downstairs.

i want to get some pop from physclub, but the construction has made it inaccessible. i contemplated climbing in through the window. outside, i checked to make sure the doors don't lock on this side, but a janitor walked by and says, "you don't worry, they're not locked. and don't smoke; it's not good for you!" i wait for her to pass out of sight, then i try the window, but the only way in would require me to knock out the physclub sign (which, i think, doesn't really need to be there).
back upstairs. surfing a bit, ircing a bit. getting bored and hungry real fast. finally after an Oh Henry! and few dozen minesweeper games (which is my latest procrastination toy), i set to work on this thing you see before you.

sad, isn't it?

i hope to work on this page a bit more than i have in the past which isn't saying much, really. lots of ideas, so little time. at the rate at which i'm producing them, it'll be ready some time in the next few months...


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