reading week

Fastest Minesweeper Times (still)

Beginner 10s
Advanced 50s
Expert 176s


(okay, a few links work now. but i ain't telling which...)

february 26, nearly two weeks since i last made an entry (in this journal)

wrote a few mid-terms, did average on one and terribly on the other.

still eating at stupid times, my stomach devouring my muscles, which in themselves are atrophying the physique i once thought i had.

still cursing to myself when i wake up. am totally to blame. i'm such a procrastinator... i know that i have lots of time to do the work i have set before me, but i just find so much to waste it on. must be that tiddlely-pom principle at work

midi party

      lately, i've been wasting time with midi
      . yes, that's right... music from a computer that sounds like music from a computer. i dunno.. i'm still amazed at the technology of the thing. also, i'm using cubic player, which uses Ultrasound patch files (to make up for the lack of a wavetable card in my machine). so the sounds aren't horrible
      .. just a tad muzaky at times.

oh yeah and reading week just passed, didn't it?

weeding reek

boring, for the most part. slept a whole lot, waking up regularly in the afternoon at my parent's house in toronto. shahab, for some inexplicable reason, was totally unavailable. bastard never returned my calls. i forgot that kris was going to be in kitchener.. thus i missed seeing her until i got back. angela was sick with a cold, although we did get to see the replacement killers together (ugly, ugly film). do you think this colour scheme is too feminine?
      so i spent a lot of time playing wizardry 7, which i enjoyed. i'm still amazed by the fact that they got so much game play unto just two double-sided diskettes. anyway, my dad installed the korean edition of windows95 onto the harddrive (which was previously installed with win3.1), meaning that i lost all of my save games. over 20 hours of gameplay replaced with the native language i can't (yet) speak. well, it's not my dad's fault, as he didn't know i was using that machine.

took my parent's out to dinner. that was pretty
amusing (though not so at the time). me mom
and me exchanging shouts, over the same
old things.. girls, school, career. as
if by this point of the game, i was
thinking about
that we
fight all the
time or anything
like that... it's just
visits like this one remind
me of why i enjoy university
so much.


back to the fuchsia

i did eventually get to see kris again. was feeling a bit depressed beforehand though.

recently, i've been getting this

that i'm missing out on something
that i'm wasting time with the wrong things
that my life could be more complete

i haven't decided yet if it's






i dunno. don't ask me. i really sincerely don't know.

but i still kinda feel it.

  "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful ."

now use the forward and back buttons, you lazy bum 
what's in my cd player these days... midi's ( take your pic )
chemical brothers dig your own hole ( always )
bran van 3000's drinkin in la
rem's automatic for the people
some future sound of london ( ala mp3 )

next on my mind...


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