Saving strawberries, mood, thinking about go

Here's a tip: The next time you buy one of those fruit platters and you end up with leftovers, make sure to consume the strawberries first. With all that humidity in the platter, they mold over within a couple days. Also, if you mistakenly eat one, you can potentially get some sores on the inside of your mouth, including the tongue.

Uhm yeah. Ok. Some news -- I'll be in Washington DC for the weekend coming up. I'm looking forward to it, but I will feel bad for my job as we are currently a little short of staff. And it's been pretty busy of late. I actually got quite upset one of the day's last week, and unfortunately some of the stress was vented on one my co-workers, which I still regret. Oh well. I also get that way, irritable and unpleasant, when I haven't eaten. Yeah, I'm one of those people. I need to eat!

What else, what else.... Oh yeah, I'm watching "Hikaru No Go", an anime about this 6th grader who talks to the spirit of a great go master. I like it a lot, and it has inspired me to start learning go. I remember playing go with my dad, way back in the day, and he would always destroy me at it. I just didn't have the right mindset at the time to do well at the game. I should pick up a set of table and stones. There's something so Japanese about go, don't you think?


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