Went drinking, 2000th blog entry

I had drinks with friends Sunday night, a fairly informal and small affair. After several beers someone broke out a bottle of Mezcal, that wormed Mexican firewater. Decidely wretched tasting stuff, though I found it had little effect on my state of mind. I also went drinking Friday night, ending up at Sneaky Dee's. I manage to never have a really great time there, though I was with good company.

I've been playing more and more with my phone, even though much of the novelty has already worn off. I'm going to see if I can't use its camera functionality more. I am a little annoyed that one cannot turn off the shutter-noise -- that's just dumb. So I like to take some surreptitious pictures now and then. Just leave me in peace!

Whoooo! According to VIm, this is my 2000th hwan.com entry! Well how do you like them apples? It does rather seem like I've been talking about myself, to myself, for a very long time now. I had given some thought to quitting hwan.com this year, but nah... I'm too lazy to close it up. Besides, I enjoy typing.

2000! Have I learned anything? Oh gosh no. I probably have developed some habits, good or bad, in regards to how I think about things. Such as how to compose my thoughts, or... well, I don't know what else. It's late, what can I say? I'm feeling a little under the weather, am not sure what's up. Probably from my brain burning through theoretical scenario after Starcraft scenario. 2000 entries, and that's all I got to show for it; Mezcal and Starcraft. Huzzah.


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