Christmas traffic hangover

Ugh, am zonked. I did a silly thing by booking a DriveClean appointment for early this morning, this morning being the morning after our office party. That party I was a little late for, as I had gone shopping having been late for my doctor's appointment. It seems every year this happens wherein I forget to compensate for the insanity that is Toronto commuter traffic. I've actually been contemplating, in the early stages of contemplating, selling my car and being car-free. I am not particularly sentimentally attached to it, apart from it being my first car.

Anyway, zonked as I fell asleep around 5 and woke up around 8. Zonked on red wine and sleep deprivation. Christmas shopping mostly done, doing my best to avoid thinking about the crowds, the shuffling, asphyxiating crowds. I know I am tired but cannot seem to fall asleep like I want to. I do not have plans for the holidays, not really anyway. Play some games, write some code, do some work.


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