Holiday time with the family

Am at the parent's place, doing some work ( work) and checking for Boxing Day sales, of which I did not see any that fit my fancy. I've been thinking of really reducing my consumer footprint of late, and not merely because I am cheap. I just hate gathering things I never use, and I feel like I already have plenty of junk. Simplify, simplify.

I am however happy that for Christmas I received a pair of Grado SR125 headphones, which I first experienced at my friend's condo where they pretty much blew me away, giving a depth to music I had not known previously possible. Indeed, a blind man seeing the world anew. If you listen to music on any type of regular basis, I wholeheartedly suggest investing in some good headphones. What's the use of delicious food if you have not the palate to enjoy every aspect of its taste?

My sister brought her copy of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) and while it was indeed "darker" than what I had previously seen and read it was still more or less the same formula and I still find myself somewhat riled that people love these stories so. I guess I'm mostly annoyed that what is (seemingly to me) being done in 7 books/movies could have been done in one.

I haven't taken any time off work, so I'll be back in the office Thursday, Friday, and half of new year's eve Monday. I was in the office this past Monday as well, primarily to play NHL 08, StarCraft and backgammon and to eat gift basket food. I do not mind it much at all!


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