November, and nearly caught up

I had considered applying to be a writer for, and it was the process of drafting up an application that I decided that I'd be much happier bringing back to life. And so here it is, fresh and clean and much of the weight gone! Fret not, I do plan on bringing those entries back, perhaps when I've the time over the Christmas break.

Let's see.. back on the 11th I went to see Unter Kontrolle (2011), an amazingly detailed documentary on Germany's declining nuclear power plants. I was thrilled to get some rare views into how the plants worked, both as a facility and a business. It was followed up by a brief panel discussion, which to my amusement featured some rather anti-nuclear rallying. I was glad to see that the director himself seemed to not pass any judgment on the technology, or those who saw it as a safe and reasonable energy source.

On the 12th I went to a large potluck turkey dinner with Andrea's and Marc's friends. I brought some crudités and dip, which seems meager but they had quite a lot of food on hand -- two turkeys, some lamb, and all the other usual fixings, and a choice of desserts. An easy evening.

November saw me finally getting around to finishing the Deadwood series, and my, I was warned about being disappointed and indeed it was a limp ending. Such a beautifully sculpted show, such entertaining characters! I shall miss it. Here's a sampling of its wit:
  • "Such acid scrutiny from former boon companions."
  • "Augment of cupidity in the iris, a healthy augury."
  • "I am imagining the pool that spawned you."
  • "...I have no gossamer filament of doubt you have skills to delight and amaze."
  • "Fuck you sir, who would prevent expedition of one's life's disarray."
The 18th was the Gourmet Food & Wine Show, which turned out to be an excuse for middle-aged suburbanites to drink and flirt and not buy much of anything other than more drinks. I did get to try a handful of tasty treats (the sliced pork duck from Brassaii stands out in my mind), but all the peacockery detracted much.

The next day was Jenning's stag party! A full day of video gaming, go-karting (definitely the highlight), eating in a cabaret-style resto-bar (!), and board gaming. The go-karting was had at good ole Formula Kartways, starting with some time trials, then some fastest group/slowest group races. The final endurance partners race was great fun, and everyone got into the whole switching-drivers-in-the-pit aspect. Like my previous times there I incurred some choice bruises on my back from the seat but they were well worth it. I had forgotten about all the gasoline fumes though, fugh!
And yes, in answer to your question, Jenning is getting married, in Hawaii of all places! I regrettably will not be there, though sorely tempted. My reason for not going is entirely (or mostly entirely) monetary -- I don't really have $3k+ to throw around. Still, traveling alone is something I've not done enough of, and I hope to amend that soon.


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