Friendsgiving, Columbus was a jerk

Like most holiday weekends, this one crept up on me, unaware was I of its approach. So it was with few plans did I spend the days, though they filled themselves easily enough. MJ and an out-of-town friend stayed at my place. I met up with them Friday night for a meal at Sukho Thai, that esteemed house of noodles and curry. I let our guest pick the dishes, and though they were not my favourites I enjoyed them greatly. Picking away at the last of the plates, MJ and I got into a heated discussion on "bio-medicine" (a term I found problematic), and its ability, or lack thereof, to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving market.

After grabbing some stuff from MJ's temporary apartment out in Mimico, we met up with some of her friends for a couple drinks before heading to Unlovable, where my sister was spinning some tunes. We talked of travel, global warming, the Congress shutdown, recreational drug use.

Saturday morning found us shaking sleep from our heads as we cycled to the Brick Works farmers' market. We managed to pick up a couple items and sampling some brunch fare before rushing back to the Distillery District. We caught a sleight-of-hand street artist act; I'd seen him before, by the harbourfront, but his performance, especially the finale, remained delightful to observe. We also tried to get some clothes-shopping in, but it proved fruitless.

Dinner was at CafĂ© Polonez, an excellent Polish restaurant that I can recommend without reservation. I managed to find it within myself to get cabbage rolls, instead of a schnitzel or some other large meat dish, and they served well to sate my appetite. Dessert was a cup of frozen yogourt from Gurts, another fine establishment -- Roncesvalles seems to have matured in a very good way since I left, it seems.

We gathered the energy to catch a late showing of Gravity, and each of us was awed by its depiction of a disaster in space, of the fragility of life high above earth, of the helplessness, the fumbling, tumbling helplessness of someone in zero g. Highly wholly recommended.

Sunday saw us getting ready for a Thanksgiving dinner with some of MJ's friends. I also got some reading done: am about halfway through The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt. It's a good book, though I keep getting the feeling that I've read much of it before in various forms. I do hope to get some true wisdom out of it. The dinner went well enough. Certainly the food was tasty, and there was lots to be had -- many gorged to gluttonous levels, myself included. Indeed, this weekend has been a mighty caloric victory, amid other wins.

And today, well today was far easier, far quieter. Our friend left town, and MJ and I made a simple enough dinner -- steamed corn, a carrots and parsnips dish, and some chips and salsa. I checked in on my parents' house, who are currently enjoying a tour of China. It's a small chore, made easier by listening to a podcast on the drive.

So that was my weekend. See you again soon, dear reader!


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