board game jam 4

Another year, another Board Game Jam. This was the fourth appearance for Jenning and me, and I have to say it felt like our weakest attempt. Not that we didn't try, but I was not happy with what we came up with, a derivative of many other popular, more fun worker placement games. I suppose not every year can be a great success in creativity. The event itself was much the same as last year -- same workshop space at George Brown College, same party space at Mill Street Brew Pub, same format of introduction lesson, building and playtesting. The theme was "How do we know what we know?", which I probably put too much emphasis on. Thinking on it now, it makes sense to simply work on our previous unfinished works, which are otherwise sitting collecting dust on shelves, unplayed and forgotten for months and months.

It takes two to build a village
The weather has turned! And what a quick turn it was, spring kicking down signs left and right of winter. I've taken to riding a bicycle to work again, and hope to find some time to do so leisurely, maybe check out some of my routes. The highlight of my work day, really.

Attended another nerd nite, which are starting to grow on me. There was a talk on Celtic misconceptions, and a presentation by some Google employees that was actually really interesting, even if it felt a bit like a commercial. Hard to place my finger on what I felt lacking about them -- perhaps it's the lack of a greater critical analysis in these talks.

Tonight I meet up with friends to try one of those "escape the room" games. Here's to hoping our oxygen doesn't run out!


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