winter's last gasp

I've been keeping busy! Perhaps a little too much drinking, but can ya blame me? Played some pool Sunday night, that oft frustrating hobby; a joy when done well, a bore otherwise. Saturday was a solidarity rally with the university of Toronto and York teaching assistants, and possibly the largest action I've had the pleasure of marching with. A bright and at times brisk day, and spirits were high. That night was an acquaintance's birthday, where I mostly kept my manners up and my drink down, an evening ending with me buying a box of fried chicken and falling asleep with my clothes on.

Friday night I participating in an open sparring event, wherein people of various fighting backgrounds went at it in a casual, non-competitive atmosphere. I fared well enough, and left with some bruises for my trouble, though I did catch a toe in the eye and someone's backfist to my chin. A good practice, and useful gauge against other martial arts misfits, as I think of them. Though it might be pushing my luck, I'd like to try again in a couple months.

I saw Merchants of Doubt the previous weekend and it's simply galling to see the evidence of trickery, of manipulation, of FUD that the climate change deniers have used to numb the minds of the populace and slow the actions of government. On the other hand, it was nice to see Jamy Ian Swiss get to show off his skills while educating on the big screen.

Have I more news for you? I've been using Timeful pretty heavily to kick my butt into gear, at least in terms of getting stuff done. Mostly this has been reading, flossing, and practicing piano but it's a start.  I suppose in the realm of the personal I have no news, but am heavily into trying to make news.

OH I forgot that I went to a nightclub to meet some woman I met on-line. I mean, there's not much to tell, what with a noisy club not being particular suited to genuinely getting to know someone. But it was an adventure, of sorts at least.


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