Not very Korean

It's no secret; I'm not a very good Korean. I can recognize the language and understand a handful of phrases (as spoken by my parents) but outside of that, nada. I don't keep up with Korean events, I have but one Korean friend, I'm almost indifferent to Korean food. The weird thing probably is that I'm almost proud of how un-Korean I am. On the other hand, I am... hmm, a little ashamed, do once in a while think about picking up a course or the like. So whenever I get a Korean spam e-mail it's as if someone is trying to guilt me into getting to know my, uh, heritage.

I spent much of the weekend asleep. I did manage to watch a couple episodes of Freaks and Geeks, which I'm quite warming up to.

Sorry, I kind of lost my thread of thought there -- started Wikipedia'ing Korea, then Aegukga, then Yi Sun-sin, then Turtle Ship, then Horatio Nelson, then "England expects that every man will do his duty". And now I find myself contemplated my death. Again. I was gripped by the sudden fear of dying. It was all that sleep, you see, for I imagine death to be the long, deep, dreamless sleep. And every night, as I enter that slumberland, I can feel a part of me kicking and screaming to be let out, to be let up, to be free. Scared of sleep! My mornings I spend wondering why I can't get enough of it, and my nights I procrastinate around it.

But I'm serious, I'm afraid of dying. Like, not being alive, not having thought, not having ANYTHING! Ugh! It's not a very pleasant thing to contemplate. No indeed.


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