Haircuts, Horseshoe Tavern, sleep trouble

I seem to be pouring more and more of my time into work. Voluntarily, mind, but it does seem like I have less of it for myself. Which, when I have it, is spent either doing chores, reading Slashdot or playing StarCraft. Yes, even in this day and age I find that game hmmm.. shall we say, satisfying? No, more like.. entertaining. Indulgent?

Saturday I did get quite a bit of sleep... some 15 hours worth, making me just in time to be late for a friend's birthday. Late, and a little dishevelled. Speaking of appearances, I'm to get a haircut tomorrow. I offered to allow someone to use my hair for practice. I hope I can stay awake! And by that I'm thinking of how I often fall asleep when I get my haircut. Mostly because of how warm those places tend to be, what with wearing that non-breathing apron and all that hot air. But also because I can't see worth a damn without my glasses so I pretty much keep them closed all the time anyway. Sleep just a sniff away.

Oh right.. the birthday. We ended up at the Horseshoe Tavern and caught a few live acts, the names of which escape me but I did have the presence of mind to snap a bit of video of the last act. However, I do not have the, er, will to actually import them right now. It's a huge kerfuffle wherein I have to get my phone, plug it in, wait for the transfer to complete, label the images, transfer them to the website, and write up the links. I guess it's not much more effort than me typing it up was, but anyway, it'll be done at some later date not yet determined.

Sunday was busy busy busy. Groceries, then catching Control [] at the Cumberland. I really enjoyed it. I only had a vague idea of Ian Curtis' life, and the movie gives a, erm, depth? Dimension to the music that I can visualize now, and to some extent empathize with. Heavy, life-questioning stuff.

I had a few hours to kill before the other movie I was to see, the new Blade Runner "Final Cut", which did not add too much to what I'd already seen in the various other cuts. But it had been quite some time since I'd last watched it in a theatre and I'd forgotten how impressive, how eye-filling that opening sequence is, with that familiar, wailing Vangelis synthesizer. Ah, it was good.

I spent the time waiting for the showing by eating at Lick's (disappointing) and walking across Eglinton, then south on Mount Pleasant. They've urbanized that area quite a bit! It was however a rather car-speedy/pedestrian-lacking affair on a Sunday evening. I did stop in a Rexall to examine their over-sized chocolate bars, of which they had the 1 kg Dairy Milk bar for $15. I purchased a 100 g Toblerone to keep the dream alive.

These days my sleep is all awry, my mind waking up in the middle of the night, resolve never stronger than after the night it was never weaker. Days, weeks and now months have passed, yet I remain for the most part unchanged, unmoved, my life in a perpetual loop, as if it is unable to step out of the little energy well that has been laid before it. An investment must be made if I am to grow. When shall I look into the abyss?


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