Poker book, Neverwinter Nights 2

A co-worker lent me his copy of No Limit Hold'em: Theory and Practice (David Sklansky, Ed Miller). Rather, he told me to read it and I said ok. And I am, slowly, reading it. It's actually opened my eyes to the meta-math involved in numerous aspects of the game, far above and beyond simple probabilities. What's particularly interesting, for me, is the usage of Baye's theorem, bringing me back to my days as a student working for the government. Games within games. And sometimes, you play those games on a Friday night with friends and stranger alike and end up only $20 down. Sometimes anyway.

Also, sometimes you find out that the 504 TTC streetcar you THOUGHT was 24 hour turns out, in fact, to stop at 2:55 AM, a fact which leads to you not getting home until 4 in the morning, after seeing a woman with huge feet on the car. Also, sometimes Googling this (the 504 streetcar, not women with large feet) leads to a page of some really old pictures of 504 TTC streetcars.

Spent much of today playing the near-final hours of Neverwinter Nights 2 with a couple friends on-line. It really makes the time go by fast! We did pretty much a day's work-worth i.e. about 8 hours. It's kind of a shame that some of the nasty battles we'd anticipated have become, well, kind of easy. I'm sure I'll eat those words as we get closer to the end, but I was expecting more challenge from those Fire Giants. But then don't we all?


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