Visual Studio rant, TTC price rant, listening to Ricky Gervais

Whoo, I was upset today. It's just.. man, Visual Studio is such a piece of garbage. PURE GARBAGE. Actually, no, it's not that bad but there are some strange bits to it. Like, why can't I change the references (that is, where files actually reside) in a Solution file? I asked around and the answer was "Use a text editor". Uhm, is Visual Studio ITSELF not one big fancy color-laden text editor???? Albeit, with debugging as well. Anyway, I'm beginning to wish we had one of those heavy punching bags at work.

What else... there was something but it has escaped me! I was mildly annoyed that the TTC raised their fare prices again, yet somehow the cash fare is the same? I was also disgusted to learn that my tickets I'd bought only a few months before now required an extra $0.15. What the hell is that all about? Is not one "Adult Fare Ticket" always one "Adult Fare Ticket"? Huh, well supposedly you can return them for a cash refund. Still.. bloody hell!

I've been listening to a lot of The Ricky Gervais Show. It's very handy when I'm doing chores, the time just swishes by. Good stuff, I recommend it.

Sorry, I can't remember the other thing and it's getting late and I miss my oxygen!


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