Haircut, beginning karate again

Just a quick update from work. Weekend, frustrating because of the Gardiner closure, made worse by the lack of parking in the downtown area and then just nigh unbearable by that damn The Score closing the intersection of King and Spadina. Yargh, an unhappy, a most unhappy camper. I'm going to try to write this entry without going back and editing/censoring myself, so excuse the spelling and such. Oooh, I almost deleted what I just said because it was so boring.

Anyway... Saturday, instead of going to a dental appointment and getting my car looked at and dropping into Future Shop to see if XBox 360's were on sale, I played Team Fortress 2! Like, all day. And I have been playing pretty much nearly every hour since then, at home. Perhaps it's better that I stay at work, where the temptation to play games is not nearly so high.

Oh right, I cut my hair the other day. Twenty-three centimeters, according to the salon. I was tempted to keep it, perhaps use it as a brush or the like. Haha, so gross. No, I got it wrapped up and have sent it in for donating, though whether they accept it or not is another story. The requirements list is kind of hefty, but my concern is that it's not long enough -- my hair is layered so some of it might be under the minimum 8 inches.

I did find some time Sunday to try my friend's karate class, which turned out to be a heavy cardio and conditioning training session. I felt like an out of shape smoker, huffing and sweating and looking just awful. I did very much enjoy the hand and knuckle conditioning, delicious battering pain.

Yes, that's right -- I was tempted to consider buying an XBox 360. I must, once again, say that I absolutely dislike the controller, that crazy, knobby, thumb-centric glob, it frustrates my 1st-person dreams. Still, playing games like hockey is fun on it. And the new Star Wars game sure looks purty.

I'm just killing time, waiting for the Judah Friedlander show at Second City. Killing time, killing virtual avatars, what a waste!


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