smartphone achieved

I went to a Rogers store last week to find out what it would take to get an iPhone. Yes, I've been tempted by the fruit of others. It's funny, really -- I've always wanted a phone-PDA-camera-mp3 player, but when the iPhone, a seemingly ultimate all-in-one came out, I was STILL not ready to commit to it. Other than that, nothing is really prompting me to upgrade except that the $30/6 GB/month offer ends September 30th. Anyway, so I went to the store and apparently I have to pay a penalty above the regular price! What rot was that, I wondered? It seems that if you spend less than some number (I'm guessing $30) a month, then you fall into a "beggar's tier" (my term), in which you're not considered a very good customer and thus must pay extra to upgrade your hardware! I ranted to the Rogers store rep about this, who agreed that it was a bit draconian (I would add capricious and arbitrary) and that I might be able talk to Rogers sales to get them to give me a break or something.

Which I did, today. Thirty minutes or so of back and forth and eventually me threatening to switch providers, which got the lady to offer me a credit for nearly the difference I was complaining about. This worked to abate my frustration, though I do feel a bit of hypocrite for thinking of continuing business with these technology sluggards. On the other hand, iPhone!
I started on that one hundred pushups program. My initial test was 30, so I did the week 3 thingy today. Man that is a good workout. You can check on my progress with the pushups logger, which is handy, I guess. When I first heard about it (over on girl's blog), I was skeptical (as I often am) but upon closer inspection it seems a fairly reasonable schedule. I admit I am somewhat excited to see how it goes.

Oh, and I did get to see and meet (though briefly) Judah Friedlander, who seems like a really nice guy if you were as drunk as I was, where everyone seems like a really nice guy.
I looked into getting an XBox 360, and came REAL close to laying down the shells for one, but just couldn't quite do it. I'm not sure what it is. Habit? Miserliness? Fear of letting myself get consumed by console gaming? Or perhaps sincere lack of interest? Something like.

Oh hey someone tore off my bike light! Literally ripped it from the handlebar, which I had taped over to keep it steady. I don't mind losing the light so much as losing those rechargeable AA batteries, since I also use them for my digital camera. Curse these casual city thieves! And it's not like the light is worth all that much, maybe $8 or so. Eh, just not worth whinging about, but the thought of it does rile me a little.


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