Canadian, Denny's, Heath Ledger died

In more topical news, what's the deal with "Canadian" being a code-word for, well, a racial slur? I mean, c'mon guys, calling someone a Canadian has no negative connotations. At least, not on the scale it's being used. That is some seriously messed up word-play.

For whatever reason that escapes me now, my friend pointed out that he has banned Denny's from his list of diners, and directed me to Denny's hefty list of racial discrimination lawsuits. I might just well do the same, although it seems somewhat unfair to impugn an entire restaurant chain based on the actions of a few locations, as extreme as those actions seem to be. Well, there aren't that many Denny's around here anyway. I generally go to Fran's for my Toronto diner fix.

And finally, Heath Ledger is dead? Huh. I suppose I'd always figured him to be a goofy young member of the latest brat pack, to perhaps become serious with his part in The Dark Knight. Now I just... sleeping pills, what a way to go! Man, that gets me down.

Is it wrong for me to hope that there is an afterlife?


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