Finished Neverwinter Nights 2, Facebook and RSS
I forgot to mention that I'd finished Neverwinter Nights 2 last weekend, and that the ending was just horrible! I mean, considering how worked up the story was and all it just.. blah. Perhaps that's a bit harsh, but it definitely was a letdown, even after I was forewarned. There's an odd word, "forewarn", because like, don't warnings, by definition, happen before the event?
A Saturday spent indoors, doing a few chores, watching TV and 30 Rock and playing Team Fortress 2. Ah me.
Oh well hey, how are you liking the new RSS feed? What actually prompted me to do it was Facebook, as you can import a blog. However, I was highly vexed to learn that their blog import does not scrape -- you have to manually import, or have it import every time you log in, which pretty much negates the point of using an RSS feed. That's the last nail in the coffin of my Facebook days. It reminds me of a thought I read the other day which I'll paraphrase here: television shows are bait to get viewers to watch advertisements. On another layer, networks cater to advertisers, not viewers.
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