dry skin, playing LOTRO

Why is it that I always forget how bad the cold weather can be (or rather, is) for my skin? Every winter I get all itchy and my skin breaks out and I'm pretty irritable for a few weeks.

Yeah I know, why not use moisterizer? Because I hate applying salves and oils as I don't like the feeling, which just makes me want to wash it all off. Perhaps a small price to pay, but it does seem rather too late now.

Oh, I watched Eastern Promises over the weekend. I liked it, but again I should have tried to see it as soon as I knew that I wanted to see it -- all those reviews and recommendations kind of ruined it for me. OH speaking of ruining a film: THANKS A LOT TORONTO STAR!! Bastards gave away the plot to Cloverfield in their Monday film section, which we had a copy of in our kitchen at work. It wasn't an article that gave it away, no, it was a damned diagram that in a glance told me too much! Hates them I do. BAH!!!

So Lord of the Rings Online is still fun! I've finally gotten to level 10 and am much enjoying the Monster Play, as I got to participate in a couple of huge (40+ people) battles. At first everything seemed to be the same as in the beta -- same map, same quests, same creatures. So I was pleasantly surprised when I was stabbed in the back by a hobbit that had been watching me kill slugs. The "fight" took maybe 20 seconds but I was so shocked that I really had little idea of what had just happened. Thankfully, death is not punished very much in Monster Play, so the experience left no sour taste. Nay, it embolded me to work on my monster: a Spider Weaver, a ranged support class.

Ok, time to go home! Later dudes...


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