OLPC, Leafs, brain fog, TTC GPS

Huminy. I've been fiddling around with my OLPC, trying to get the wireless (more specifically, my WPA connection) to work with it. Apparently this is a known issue but gadzooks if it doesn't upset me! Le great big fat sigh. I mean, yeah, otherwise I fairly content with it but it's pretty much a curio without a working WiFi connection.

Here's a bit of an entry that I had started writing on the streetcar earlier this week: Oh, those crazy sad Leafs are at it again, trying to win what they have already proven that they cannot win. What a sorry lot they are, and I am one who very much enjoys watching them do well, an occasion rare. They have hit the bottom of their season, which I think, in a way, is a good thing for a) management will have all the more incentive to generate some real change (for a change), and b) I will be less inclined to watch.

I do find that my mind seems cloudier, murkier, less clear than before. Have I lost certain abilities, certain mental functions? Ability to focus, concentrate? Like a drying river, a trickle where once there was a torrent. Where is my mind?

Hey, you know how TTC streetcars now have a lady's recorded voice reading out the stops? Apparently it's tied to a GPS system. I was thinking that it would be nice if they took real advantage of this ability, such as by, for example, having countdowns at busy stops of when the next streetcar/bus/train can be expected. It would be extra helpful during those times when an accident or some other obstruction has occurred, which would preventing people from wasting their time wondering when their streetcar is going to arrive. There are probably even better ways to use the GPS connection, but that's the one that came immediately to mind, the mind of mine full of holes and doesn't know what's what anymore.


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