Drinking, show contemplation, dance performance

Yes, we've all had too much to drink this past week. Blame the weather! Can we blame the weather? The week seems to have zoomed right by, between drinking and blaming the weather.

Tuesday Loopy and I met up to film a possible video podcast (or, as we old-timers would call it, a "video"), which is based on diggnation.com. Will you be able to see it? Well, it's nowhere near public-viewing readiness, and won't be for a while, so.. not yet. I will say that, despite the anticipated pressure, it was a lot of fun. I now see why people drink before shooting. Makes perfect sense.

I went to see a friend's dance show, which turned out to be a much bigger thing than I'd imaged. Around 30 dances, many quite energetic and exhilarating. I liked the fact that many of the dancers were amateurs and you could see their personality come through their expression and body language. I have also been inspired to put more time back into getting myself into shape! I mean geez, some of those dancers were just so incredibly athletic, it made me weep for my wasted life!

Yeah, I should carry around some paper to write interesting things down. And then, in a few years, I'd have enough to make an entry. For example, I'm never buying blackberries again -- way too many seeds!


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