Hikaru no Go, watching hockey, blog thoughts

I still do not quite recall what I was up to last Friday. I've been told that I was at work late playing Go, but that doesn't explain what I did later that night. I assume my not remembering is for the best. Was I up to no good? Most probably!

Speaking of go, I finally finished Hikaru no Go, which indeed ends abruptly, doing its best to wrap all the strings in the alloted 23 minutes. I heard that the reason for this is that the creators felt too much pressure from Korean go fans/players who argued that no-one would believe that Japanese players would beat Korean ones. Sheesh, I mean really now. Those whiny Koreans, always complaining that they're being stomped on in cartoon series. Losers, they are!

I watched Game six, Detroit at Pittsburgh, at the St. Louie's off of Spadina, just north of Queens Quay. Why do I patronize such places? I'm all about eating healthy and less meat now, yet there I was, up to my elbows in wings and ribs. True, it was a thrill when Pittsburgh would score and the game, though one-sided, had its moments. I did end up riding home slightly tipsy.

I do have coherent thoughts, trust me. It's just... maybe I'm too easily distracted or something that prevents them from being properly conveyed in written form. I sometimes wish I could also add quick drawings to what I write. Perhaps I should get in the habit of doing so? Hmmmm... an idea to be sure.

Ok, I've been meaning to change the front-page of hwan.com for a couple days now, to get it more in line with most blogs webjos. Namely, I'm going to change the default view to show a handful of entries, instead of just the last day's worth. This should make hwan.com look busier, while costing me little in terms of entry-writing.


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