hot summer days, upset about copyright

Hoo, the weather is tediously hot and humid. As someone said to me over the weekend, it seems like spring didn't even happen, that spring and fall are getting shorter every year and the uncomfortable extremes are around longer and longer. Thankful I am that I have an air conditioner at home. I do try to use it sparingly, but I can only bear so much.

I was out most of this weekend: Friday at The Hideout on Queen West then the Charlotte Room, Saturday at Bayview Village, Cherry Beach then Rol San and today at College Park for my Korean tutoring then Trinity Bellwoods. Uncomfortable sweating each day! Once I start perspiring, the rest of my day is fairly ruined until I can shower it off. What rot!

Also rotten? The new Canadian DMCA, which supposedly includes a $500 fine per download. Have you also heard of the upcoming ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement), which could give border security the power to search your iPod and other personal electric devices for "illegal" files? What the hell! Seriously backwards stuff I kid you not. I'm already super upset with Bell for their shaping/filtering of net traffic. We could be living in a golden age of information and enlightenment and creation, but instead we are burdened in a mire with slimy greedy wretches and blind, ignorant sloths, unable to move and sinking and stinking. They are taking away our freedoms and we should be slapping away their sneaky paws. Think about it -- spending government time and resources to inconvenience everyone just to find copyright infringers, a copyright system that is quite outdated and does not at all reflect the interests of anyone but the large media corporations. So very sickening, I weep for this sad time in history.


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