cold sores, French press, TTC first pass

I hate cold sores, I really do. I am also so amazingly frustrated that they should appear not only on my lip, but also my chin. How messed up is that? Bloody hell! I am vain it is true and having this awful pox does much to deter my going outdoors. Look away, I'm hideous!

In less hideous but equally annoying news, my Bodum French press broke! Or rather, I found that the glass part had a huge crack in it when I removed it from the drying rack. My guess is either that using a metal spoon to stir caused this or that the metal press part was too tight/had a stray wire scratching the inside. Either way, I am less than impressed. Apparently there are plastic-coated versions of the same press which, if I come across them, I will snag one. For now, I have downgraded back to instant when making coffee at home. What a world, what a world!

Tired of being tied to my meagre supply of TTC tickets, I went and bought myself a TTC pass for February. Finally I am free to roam, to explore, to shop unfettered by concerns of travel costs. My first purchases with this newfound freedom? A beef burrito (from New York Sub) and a mango puree. There is no limit to my power!

Well, once this cold sore thing is done and left with, that is.


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