Hating Valentine's day

Another hour to go, why I should be bothered I don't know. Valentine's day! It's really a lose-lose-win situation. The man loses because he is pressured to get things for his sweetie, which is really the third punch of the Christmas/New Year's/Valentine's combo. The woman loses if she's disappointed by what the man does/gets or doesn't do/get. They're both losers if they happen to be single and witness public displays of affection. Obviously I am of this category and it sickens me to see open-mouth kissing on the streetcar! The only winners are the florists, chocolatiers, card makers, barf-bag suppliers, etc. for this cockamamie non-holiday. It can't be over soon enough.

Speaking of useless holidays, what's up with Family Day, eh?? I mean seriously. I don't mind getting another provincial day off, but I don't approve of the pro-life sound of it. It also kind of crept up on me, so here's another long weekend wherein I didn't make plans.


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