I Am Legend, Quest West fire, BluRay

I managed to squeeze some time in to watch "I Am Legend", which I was fully expecting to be terrible. I was entertained but the second half of the film, and particular the ending, was just too Hollywood to swallow happily. I was also turned off by the overuse of CGI, finding it distracting and more than a bit silly. On the good side, the sense of emptiness and the scenes where we do not see the others up close are pretty damn spooky. I probably wouldn't watch this film again, but it doesn't stop me wanting to see Omega Man and Last Man on Earth.

Hey, did you hear about that 6-alarm fire on Queen West and Bathurst? That's just down the street from my work! The whole downtown stank of burnt plastic and metal, the same smell one might get if one's computer or power supply overheats. It kind of left a gross taste in my mouth when I walked to lunch. I don't really have much else to say -- I didn't use any of those stores, although I suppose it's a shame about Suspect Video. I've used the one by Honest Ed's but never set foot in the Queen location. I did once go inside the stereo store, but that with a friend who was inquiring about turntables. In any case I'm going to keep an eye on the news, out of sheer bystander curiosity.

I can't believe BluRay is the new format winner! Has no-one learned not to trust Sony as a DRM/format provider? Can we please just create a new HD standard, one that is not dictated by companies but rather by consumers? Is that too much to ask? Hmmm... I guess it's time to buy/build a media server....


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