A cold, new Indiana Jones, pool at the Charlotte Room

When last I wrote the glimmer of a cold was upon me, and by Thursday I was ill enough to miss a dinner with friends, a dinner I had really meant to attend. The next day I was much better, well enough for a beer at Hemingway's and some veal and wine at Vaticano Trattoria. Veal, yeah I know it's baby cows tailor grown to be tasty in a somewhat savage way. But it's so yummy, oh dear. Why can't we have good food that wasn't so cruel to animals? I must say I do wonder what baby cows that were born and grew up in space, for extra tender meat, would taste like. Pretty damn good, I reckon.

Saturday I met with Pops to see the new Indiana Jones film. The action sequences were fun, sure, but the plot, and particularly the ending, left much to be desired. There were no twists, no lively banter, no villians that we could really get to love and hate. As nice as it was to see Marion Ravenwood again, I didn't feel the spark between her and Indy of "Lost Ark", so her scenes were less than memorable. Shia LeBeouf was fine as Mutt, he really didn't have all that difficult a part to play. I do think the movie could have used a spark of romance between Mutt and Cate Blanchett's character (make her younger, if need be), or at least work on the rivalry established in a later fight scene. Something, I dunno! No character development makes Hwan sad.

After the movie, we gave The Charlotte Room another chance as last time we were there (a Friday night) the place was overcrowded which made playing pool a furrowed-brow-inducing experience. This time around however there were lots of empty tables so Pops and I were free to drink and play at our leisure, which we did to great affect. I also tried their version of chips 'n' dip, which featured an incredibly tasty bacon-cheese-jalapeno combination. Liquid crack, as the waitress described it. Indeed! This may prove to be our new pool place, if only to avoid the noisy club atmosphere of Raq'n'Waq.

I spent much of today indoors, catching up on some much needed r'n'r, although I do rue missing most of the fine weather. I was able to meet up with another friend for dinner at the harbourfront, summer again making a momentary appearance.


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