Eating eggs, living large, summer flies

Friday morning I dreamt I had to use the bathroom inside a submarine or naval ship. Er, not that I specifically had to use a bathroom in a boat -- rather, that I happened to be in a boat at the time. I remember it being pretty much what'd you expect; a clean, cramped space with lots of exposed rivets.

A friend of mine dropped by Saturday and brought some farm-fresh eggs he's picked up from St. Lawrence market, leading to an egg-stravaganza of omelets and sandwiches. It was a tasty meal, but I wasn't really able to tell the difference. Perhaps if I were to do a side-by-side comparison. I'm kind of egged-out now to tell you the truth.

We took in the surprisingly sunny day by checking out the beach, such as it is, and the stores along Roncesvalles.

The evening led to kampongi at HoSu and then an evening of beers, Glenfiddich and red wine, in that order. Mercifully I awoke the next afternoon with only the slightest hint of a hangover, cured after some Huevos Divorciados and coffee at Easy Diner and a strawberry smoothie with a vitamin booster. Growl was in town and we caught up with another friend to see Iron Man (my second viewing).

Curse this cold weather, eh? Feels like we've been cheated of our summer! And yet, the midges and gnats or whatever the hell they are, seem to be out in full annoying force, flying in faces and nostrils and hair and just generally getting everywhere to an alarming degree. I noticed them particularly today as I finally cut the grass in the backyard, which is becoming quite the mess of overgrowth and wrappers from the neighbouring school. Also, thanks to my thoughtful neighbours for leaving their discarded furniture out, which after several weeks had begun to dissolve and crumble, giving the house that classic public housing look. I took an axe to them (the furniture!) today, a most satisfying solution.


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