Enjoyed Hellboy

The new Hellboy movie is not too shabby! I don't know if I really am in the mood to do a full review (if you can call what I say about films to be reviews). I enjoyed it, yes. Action? Lots. Humor? Quite a bit! I guess the one problem I have is that there's no closure with these comic-book films -- the ending is more of an end of a chapter rather than the end of a book. Also, the characters are still fairly shallow and simple. I saw it at the Varsity, so there were plenty of seats and no need to rub elbows with strangers.

Friday after work I went with some friends to the Outdoor Art Exhibition, held at Nathan Phillips. I guess it was alright. Some of the pieces were very mundane, of the "arts and crafts" variety, and some were pretty damn impressive, priced accordingly. Saturday I did my Korean thing, had a huge Greek meal, played some go, ate two Big Macs and shot an episode of a webisode of ... well, I'm not exactly sure what the show is. I guess it's just two drunk guys talking in the interests of comedy. It's entirely self-indulgent, and I'm more than a little embarrassed by it.

Oh, and I've also been managing to squeeze in a few games of GemCraft here and there. Gosh it's addictive!


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