The Dark Knight, Attack the Gas Station

Lo my brothers I bring great tidings from the other side! There I have seen the truth and the way, and it is good. A golden age has come upon us, and its name is The Dark Knight. Long I have waited for its arrival, and my patience has been well rewarded. Nay, such riches beyond my imagination: such acting, action, story, drama! All in great measure, all to great effect. Heath Ledger's Joker is surely the villain of the year, a complex, intelligent, dangerous, eloquent, unpredictable animal with a charm that fills every scene. I mean, superb acting all around but Ledger is just a dynamo, a catalyst -- he makes the movie the satisfying experience that it is. And of course, as with all films I recommend, this one has an excellent ending which I shan't otherwise comment on. Go forth and enjoy!

Hmmm while I'm here I'll also quickly write my thoughts on Attack the Gas Station ("Juyuso seubgyuksageun"), a Korean comedy from 1999. Four ne'er-do-well punks attempt to rob a gas station only to find that there's no money in the till. Rather than move on, they lock up the attendants and perform their gas-filling duties, pocketing the payments. Over the course of the night we learn a little about each young man. I like that everyone acts seriously, that there's no break of character and all of the numerous roles are approached with high energy and enthusiasm. It makes what sounds like a very contrived film actually quite palatable, indeed pleasurable. I laughed quite a few times. And perhaps it's just curiousity speaking, but I liked getting yet another glimpse into a culture that is both foreign and familiar to me.

(In particular, it seems striking others is very common there! Or at least, the movies certainly portray it thus!)


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