hot summer, gross things, Freaks and Geeks, hint of colitis

Holy jim-jiminy is it ever humid outside. Gross, disgustingly so. I walked down the street to get a burger and I scurried back to the office, overheating. I am thankful I have this desk fan here, it is such a comfort, ready to cool me down when I arrive from my morning ride. Oh, I bought tickets to see Batman and did not want to do the ride home and ride back, as pleasing the prospect of a shower may be. I will be leaving shortly to line-up, though I sincerely hope there will be little call for it.

I wonder if it's the heat that has made me so very antsy of late. Certainly I am a troll if not fed on time, but that has always been the case. No, there's something more to it than that. A form of middle-aged boredom? What exactly is this unscratchable itch? Why am I not content to merely enjoy life?

Upsetting experiences this week? I've had two: one, finding a dead house caterpillar the size of my forefinger in a bowl I left overnight in the sink and two, taking a bite of a club sandwich in which the chicken was not fully cooked. The former was the more horrifying for me, and I had entertained the idea of throwing the bowl away, cootie-tainted as it was. I could still do it, as I find myself remembering the way the insect's body refused to be drained down the sink, bloated and floppy and such.

Oh! I finally finished watching Freaks and Geeks. Such a treasure that show is, one of those rare combinations of great acting, realistic stories and believable dialog. Any show in which an Atari 2600 plays a part is all right by me.

Hmm.. I forgot that I was a bit ill, almost colitis-y, earlier this week. Saturday night I had a couple Big Macs (as previously mentioned) before consuming nearly an entire 375mL bottle of Jameson Irish Whiskey. That may have been my downfall, though I've certainly had my fill of drink before without much in terms of stomach troubles. Anyway, I'm better now.

I tire of my writings. Bring on the Batman!


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