A minor bike tumble, visiting the Leslie Spit

Why is it that my computer speakers warn me when a cellphone is about to ring? Seriously cellphones, come on.

Well the nicer weather means more bike riding, which in turn means more bicycle-related incidents. Hopefully these, my injured wrist and sore shoulder, will remind me to be wary of those treacherous streetcar tracks. But it was well worth the ride out to the Leslie Street Spit. I enjoyed listening to the water-worn bricks being tossed against the shore, like so many pieces of Lego. I took some shelter from the brisk wind behind a boulder to enjoy a sandwich.

I also made a trip to the Value Village in the area, where I picked up a couple sweaters for future rides. I would enjoy used clothing stores more if they weren't so impossibly dusty all the time. Small price to pay I suppose for equally small literal prices.


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